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Microsoft Edge on Windows seems to work just fine for me.  loaded quick, sound works, game starts, and functions accordingly to the instructions details.  dont know what the issue could be.  Carlostoki, what operating system or browser are you using? im just curious  thanks !

It is giving me some erros in web "Godot needs X to run"... Maybe you have to activate the SharedArrayBuffer option in the page? When using Godot it was the only way that games worked for me on web. Nice looking page, I am curious to play!

Thank you for letting me know, I’m sorry it’s giving you trouble. May I ask what browser and OS you are using for troubleshooting purposes?

I was using Opera in windows.


It's pretty complicated at first, but once I get the hang out of it , it's a really a fun and challenging game! plus, the design of the game page is absolutely neat and catch the same vibe with the game! great job!

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it. I will try to add a tutorial or at least an in-game explanation at some point down the road.